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200+ insights from the latest science in marketing
3-min practical summaries of research from top universities like:
Free sample insight
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Increase clicks 55%
Rounded CTA buttons drive more clicks
Research from
University of South Florida, University of Tennessee & Neighborly
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Increase customer satisfaction 19%
Say “I” not “We” when speaking to customers
Research from
Wilfrid Laurier University, Simon Fraser University & 1 other
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Increase persuasiveness 10.4%
The rule of three in persuasion
Research from
UCLA Anderson School of Management & Georgetown University
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Increase trustworthiness 31%
Short, easy names are more trustworthy
Research from
University of Cologne, University of Southern California & 1 other
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Increase purchase likelihood 30.2%
When a $20 price is better than $19.99
Research from
Temple University & Nanyang Technological University
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Increase sales 35.2%
Where you should display your price
Research from
University of Louisville, Clark University & 1 other
Member Exclusive Insights
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Increase brand personality 53%
Red is exciting, blue is competent
Research from
Northern Illinois University, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Increase intention to buy 49%
Write discounted prices on the right
Research from
Wayne State University, Indiana State University, University of South Carolina, University of Miami
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Avoid 24% bounce rate
When native ads backfire
Research from
University of New Hampshire, University of Alabama, San Diego State University, Northeastern University
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Increase likelihood to buy 40%
Say “costs $x more” for premium options
Research from
Nanyang Technological University, University of British Columbia
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Increase profits 6%
Don’t give free shipping, offer coupons instead
Research from
Copenhagen Business School, University of Tuebingen, Dartmouth College
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Increase likelihood of taking an item 57.5%
Show products by benefits, not features
Research from
Durham University, University of Neuchâtel, University of Lausanne
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Increase ad likes 13.6%
Show what your product smells like
Research from
Carnegie Mellon University Qatar and City University of London
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Increase purchase intention 31%
Use smile-like lines in your designs
Research from
University of Oxford, Giessen University, University of Rochester, Universidad de La Sabana
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Increase sales up to 26%
Encourage comparisons in your reviews
Research from
Tianjin University, Virginia Tech, and Nankai University
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Increase purchase intentions 17.6%
Explain your AI recommendations
Research from
Chongqing Normal University & Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
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Increase clicks 55%
Rounded CTA buttons drive more clicks
Research from
University of South Florida, University of Tennessee & Neighborly
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Increase repeat purchase intentions
When referrals backfire
Research from
Oregon State University, Western University & Ivey Business School. Western University
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Increase product preference up to 24%
When ‘AI-powered’ makes products better, or not
Research from
WU, University of Lucerne, University of St. Gallen, and Columbia University
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Increase ratings 11.7%
Expert vs fellow customer reviews
Research from
Monash University & University of International Business and Economics
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Increase willingness to buy 45%
When to use the price divisibility effect
Research from
Michigan State University, Baylor University & Virginia Tech
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Increase willingness to pay 65%
University-created products are more appealing
Research from
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Bonn & Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Increase willingness to pay up to 28%
‘Top Rated’ sells better than ‘Best Seller’
Research from
University of Louisville College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign & 1 other
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Decrease negative reaction to ads
When ad frequency goes from effective to annoying
Research from
Emory University, New York University & 1 other
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Increase price attractiveness
No, .99 prices don’t hurt quality perceptions
Research from
Leuphana University of Lüneburg & Saarland University
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Increase purchase intentions 41.2%
Mobile buyers want unique (vs popular) products
Research from
City University of Hong Kong & University of Florida
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Increase customer satisfaction and spending
Using specific language increases customer spending
Research from
York University & The Wharton School
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Increase referrals 53%
Pre-fill referral messages to make them more effective
Research from
University of Southern California & 2 others
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Increase customer loyalty
Make your experiences memorable, not just seamless
Research from
Qualtrics, Fordham University & 1 other
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Increase positive brand perceptions
Political activism benefits small brands, hurts large brands
Research from
California Polytechnic State University & Georgetown University
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Reduce form abandonment
Group tasks to encourage completion of the entire set
Research from
IESE Business School & Harvard Business School
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Maximize revenues
‘Default option’ nudges: be careful how you use them
Research from
Erasmus University & University of Alberta
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Increase discount perception
Use ‘was 25% higher’ instead of ‘now 20% lower’
Research from
University of South Carolina, Babson College & 4 others
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Increase sales 42%
Coupons: when to give ‘10% off’ vs ‘$10 off’
Research from
Deakin Business School & Monah Business School
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Increase willingness to pay
People want to hear what your product sounds like
Research from
University of Alabama & Pennsylvania State University
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Increase sales
Complementary products boost your main product
Research from
Södertörn University &University of Northern Colorado
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Increase positive product perceptions
Don’t showcase all your good features, it backfires
Research from
Virginia Tech, University of Southern California & 1 other
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Increase sales
‘Friend’ influencers drive more sales than ‘opinion-leaders’
Research from
Wilfrid Laurier University & McMaster University
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Increase product perceptions 16%
Some negative reviews can be good for you
Research from
Israel Institute of Technology & The Open University of Israel
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Increase willingness to pay 35%
If customers feel distant from your brand, use abstract language
Research from
Western University & 2 others
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Increase individual's survey responses 33%
Make your loyalty rewards a gamble, not a certainty
Research from
Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Chicago & 1 other
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Increase customer lifetime value, revenues
Profits are higher when your sales team sides with customers
Research from
Oklahoma State University & 3 others
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Increase tips 136%
The effect of “Vote with your tip: Cats or Dogs?”
Research from
University of Missouri-Kansas City, The Wharton School & 1 other
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Increase willingness to buy 29.5%
People avoid buying from firms with high gender pay gaps
Research from
HEC Lausanne, Harvard Business School & 2 others
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Increase customer satisfaction 19%
Say “I” not “We” when speaking to customers
Research from
Wilfrid Laurier University, Simon Fraser University & 1 other
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Increase purchase intentions 30%
Show your product’s ‘viewed’ or ‘purchased’ numbers
Research from
Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore & 2 others
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Increase purchase likelihood
Avoid complicated words in your product description
Research from
Saint Joseph's University & University of Pittsburg
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Increase product reviews 12%
Frame your product as an experience to boost reviews
Research from
IESE Business School & University of Miami
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Increase sales 52%
Use ‘Pick-your-price’ to boost sales
Research from
California Polytechnic State University & University of Oregon
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Increase customer value 131%
How feedback surveys can boost spending by 131%
Research from
Utah State University, Boston College & 3 others
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Increase sales, total reviews, and positive reviews
How the first review decides the fate of your product
Research from
University of South Carolina & University of Florida
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Decrease negative brand perceptions
The downside of company uniforms
Research from
Tilburg University, University of Southern California & 2 others
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Increase product upsell likelihood 75%
How to stop new customers from pushing away existing ones
Research from
University of Maryland & University of Minnesota
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Increase ad persuasiveness
Which ads work best in emerging vs developed markets
Research from
IESEG University, Columbia Business School & 1 other
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Optimize product pricing
A new, better way to decide your pricing
Research from
University of Lucerne, the Wharton School & 2 others
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Increase customer lifetime value 29.5%
Increase customer LTV with “Buy 10 get 1 free”
Research from
Rice University, the Wharton School & 1 other
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Increase positive perceptions 19.3%
High-quality audio makes you sound smarter
Research from
University of Southern California & Australian National University
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Increase monthly revenues 51.7%
Differentiate your small business offering
Research from
University of Texas at Austin, London School of Economics & 2 others
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Increase YouTube views, likes and comments
What makes YouTube videos successful?
Research from
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná & École des sciences de la gestion de l'UQAM
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Decrease prediction errors 60%
How to be an unbiased marketer
Research from
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Imperial College London & 1 other