The science-based marketing newsletter
Actionable insights from the latest scientific discoveries. Quick, 3-minute reads every Tuesday. For free.
Trusted by 30,526 other evidence-based marketers

Science from the best business schools in the world:

Actionable insights from the latest scientific discoveries. Quick, 3-minute reads every Tuesday. For free.
Trusted by 30,526 other evidence-based marketers
Science from the best business schools in the world:
Using the latest scientific evidence, not flawed opinions.
For example “We’re happy to help”. 92% of managers use “We” because of an outdated 1982 study.
For example “I am happy to help”. New research found a 19% increase in satisfaction and 7% in sales.
Explore All InsightsQuickly get up to speed with the latest science to improve your results.
Optimize your pricing to be more attractive, accurately find your most profitable price point, and make your promotions convert.
Go beyond the hype, get the scientific evidence of what actually works and what doesn’t when you implement AI in your products and marketing
Maximize your SaaS revenue and profits. 62 recommendations for the optimal landing page, pricing plans, and churn prevention.
Make your Ecommerce store more profitable. 74 practical recommendations based on 1,200+ pages worth of the latest research.
Craft better performing ads. The 58 most powerful recommendations from the latest science to get more impressions or drive more conversions.
Create brand and product names that are highly effective. Boost your brand with 27 recommendations based on science, not opinions.
Trusted by 30,526 other science-based marketers at